So you got a credit card number yet do not know if its really a valid credit card number. Note that a valid credit card number are not just created randomly. It has a formula to generate a credit card number.
Here's an easy and quick way to check the credit card number if its valid or not. One way is to use credit card checkers or validators. At we offer a quick and easy way to check credit card numbers for validity.
To check if the credit card number is valid. We check for the following:
The check digit (x) is obtained by computing the sum of the non-check digits then computing 9 times that value modulo 10 (in equation form, ((67 × 9) mod 10)). In algorithm form:
(Alternative method) The check digit (x) is obtained by computing the sum of the other digits (third row) then subtracting the units digit from 10 (67 => Units digit 7; 10 − 7 = check digit 3). In algorithm form:
INFO: Credit card number generated are valid but DOES NOT WORK like an actual credit card. They do not have any actual REAL VALUE. They are for data testing and verification purposes only.